SIAJ No. 3

Journal by an institute representing the architecture profession in Singapore
Designer |
Wee Chwee Heng,Choy Weng Yang (蔡荣恩) |
Client |
Singapore Institute of Architects |
Year |
1966 |

Dimensions: 210 x 297 mm
Publication Committee: Lim Chong Keat (Chairman), Lee Yee Mah, Toh Shung Fie, Wee Chwee Heng, Peter Soo, Lee Seng Loong, Jack Tan Eng Kiat, Tan Cheng Siong, Lim Hock Soon, Choy Weng Yang (Graphic Consultant)
Publisher: Graphic Publications
The accompanying cover note detailed a dystopia where urbanisation in the 19th and 20th century led to towns growing into filthy and over-used cities.
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