SIAJ No. 10

Journal by an institute representing the architecture profession in Singapore
Designer |
Client |
Singapore Institute of Architects |
Year |
1967 |

Dimensions: 210 x 297 mm
Publication Committee: Lim Chong Keat (Chairman), Lee Yee Mah, Toh Shung Fie, Wee Chwee Heng, Jack Tan Eng Kiat, Tan Cheng Siong, Lim Chin Leong, Ong Chin Bee
Publisher: Graphic Publications
The cover used a "Snakes and Ladders" game to point out the lack of a comprehensive urban pedestrian-way system in Singapore. It lamented how urban development in Singapore had destroyed Singapore's "classic seven-foot way system" such that walking and bicycling were no longer possible.
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