"Take Me to Your Leader"
4th International Pictorial Photography Exhibition of Singapore
5-cents Hock Lee Amalgamated Bus
7th SEAP Games
7th SEAP Games Commemorative Issue
7th SEAP Games Commemorative Matches
7th SEAP Games Progamme
7th SEAP Games Regulations
7th Storey Hotel and Restaurant
8a: An Exhibition of Contemporary Art
10-cents Singapore Traction Co.
10th Anniversary Vocational & Industrial Training Board Training Staff Union
25 One People One Nation One Singapore
25 Years of Nation-Building (1959-1984)
25th Anniversary of the Public Utilities Board First Day Cover
30 Years... ... still running on a full tank*
33 UNICEF Prize Winners Exhibition
60-cents Green Bus Co. Ltd
100 Years of Telephone Service Commemorative Stamps
150th Anniversary of Singapore, 1819–1969
1819–1969 Singapore Our First 150 Years
1952 Singapore Badminton Association
1965 Modern Art
1971 年度文艺晚会
1977 Souvenir Magazine
1985 National Day Art Exhibition