8a: An Exhibition of Contemporary Art

33 UNICEF Prize Winners Exhibition

1965 Modern Art

1985 National Day Art Exhibition

Advertising and Display Art Exhibition (實用美術廣告展覽)

Alpha Gallery Inaugural Exhibition

Alpha Invitational 1973

American Art in the Sixties and Seventies

American Handicrafts

Annual Advertising Award 1963

Art 77

Art 78

Art 79

Contemporary French Paintings

Creative Circle Year Book 1964-65

French Contemporary Tapestry Singapore 1969

Graphic Art From Schools

Graphic Art of Finland

Ministry of Communications and Information Art Competition and Exhibition '89

Modern Art 1970

Modern Decorative Arts of Japan

National Exhibition: In Celebration of 25 Years of Nation-Building

National Museum Art Gallery Official Opening 21 August 1976

Pierre Clerk

Printmaking-International 1982 (一九八二年國際版書展)

Prize-Winners 1970-1976

Sculpture '67

Singapore Conference Hall Trade Union House Inaugural Art Exhibition