SBS Guide 1977

SBS Guide 1978

SBS Guide 1979-80

SBS Guide 1980-81

SBS Guide 1982

Selected Editorials 1

Singapore Bus Guide

Singapore Chinese Printing Workers' Union 47th Anniversary Souvenir (新加坡中华印刷業公會庆祝四十七週年紀念特刊)

Singapore Festival of Arts 1980 Exhibition of Contemporary Art

Singapore Modern Art 1974 新加坡现代画

singapore national dance and theatre company

Singapore — A Decade of Independence

SPUR 65-7

SubStance (电流)

Substation NEWS (September & October 1995)

The 'Whos' in Business

The Clever Monkey

The Emperor's Elephant

The Little Guppy

The Malayan Racing Association

The Market

The Monkey, The Elephant, The Tiger and the Mouse-deer

The Parade

The School Doctor

The Singapore Youth Festival

The Sixth Asian Advertising Congress in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore

The Thief

The Wise Old Bird